Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review

Hi there,
I have read about this product and I don’t think I’ve come across any negative reviews. A friend of mine suggested me to get Unlock Your Hip Flexors program he had used it and it really did help him in loosening tight hip flexor muscles.
Now you may have read about it on the Internet, but after researching for hours, I finally took a leap of faith and gave it a shot, and trust me it worked like magic. Within a few weeks, I could flex my hip flexors easily and didn’t have any significant pain.
You should totally try it out.

Here’s why you should totally buy this program:

Unlock Your Hip Flexors review: Pros
Trustworthy authors
The authors Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal are both very respectable guys in their fields and have years of experience in the same.
Suitable for anyone
The program is designed for everyone. Whether you’re young or old, it’s suitable for all age groups.
Bonus content
The product includes two guides worth of $29 as bonus content at no additional cost.
1. The first one is Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings.
2. The second bonus content is The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet worth of $17.
Video content
If you do not like to read much and prefer videos over words, you won’t be disappointed by this product because it has video content as well.
Spend only 20 to 30 minutes of time daily
You only need to spare 20 to 30 minutes of your time daily to loosen up your hip flexor muscles.
Improves overall health
The program delivers in multiple ways. It improves your overall health and helps you in battling with illness.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors review: Cons
Digital product
The only con with this product is that it comes in a digital format.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review

Former Marine Announces Amazing Weight Loss Breakthrough

At a time when more and more people in the western world are suffering from health issues and where obesity is on the rise, many find it difficult to locate accurate information that brings true results. The fitness and weight loss industry in the U.S. alone generates more than $70 billion in annual revenue – yet more and more Americans suffer from chronic weight gain, poor health and poor diet.

“There’s so much out there that’s myth,” Says Gunnery Sergeant Kyle Cooper, “We’re constantly being bombarded with tons of information… and most of it is at best ineffective and at worst downright counterproductive and even dangerous.

” Kyle Cooper, former marine Gunnery Sergeant and certified trainer is pleased to announce the global release of his innovative weight loss program known as the Fat Decimator. This program is based on a chance meeting with a Korean medical student while serving in Afghanistan. This man introduced Gunny Cooper to a whole new way of looking at weight loss and health and it’s revolutionized the way that he trains his clients and how he’s been able to help tens of thousands of people regain the bodies they’ve desperately missed.

“For over a decade I trained marines in the traditional way,” Kyle notes, “It wasn’t until I was faced with a group of semi-out of shape National Guard soldiers that I began to see how our prescribed western techniques simply fell way short… and it got one of my men killed.

” Kyle was tasked with training a group of middle aged men who were called up to fight in the war. He quickly found that his routines – heavy cardio, limited diet and so on were having little or no effect. When a booby trapped cave cost him the life of one National Guard soldier who’s physical conditioning wasn’t good enough to get him free of danger, he took it hard and began to question everything Kyle thought he knew.

“Doctor Sam Pak introduced me to some amazing research based on ancient eastern traditions that have made the Asian world one of the healthiest and longest lived parts of the globe,” Kyle continues, “much of what Sam showed me flew in the face of western convention… but it was backed by independent clinical research so… I tried it out. And it worked better than I could have thought possible.

” After working with his soldiers and then coming home and meeting a woman who was on the brink of losing her life due to her weight and being able to help her turn her life around, Kyle has dedicated his life to sharing his remarkably simple and effective weight loss program with anyone who wants it. The information contained in the Fat Decimator program is truly unique, simple and tremendously effective.

What’s even more amazing is that Kyle isn’t charging huge amounts of money for his program. In fact, his video presentation which tells his story and exposes the truth that’s been hidden about the weight loss industry contains a host of useful information that any viewer can have for nothing.

To learn more about Kyle’s journey and how he’s helped more than 50,000 people, click here

Former Marine Announces Amazing Weight Loss Breakthrough

Liz Swann Miller, Noted Naturopath and Nutritional Author - Announces Release of New Book - “The Red Tea Detox”

It is not often that a groundbreaking book comes to be published as a result of serendipity, but “The Red Tea Detox” by Liz Swann Miller, has one of those awesome back stories. Liz was already a world-famous Naturopath and Nutritional Author when she found time to go on a vacation to Africa. While she was out exploring, she was bit by a poisonous Rattle Snake, and fell unconscious. What happened after that would change her life.

She woke up to the sounds of strange music to find herself in a hut with a Tribal Shaman, and being handed a goblet of some type of liquid to drink. She though about if she should accept the drink or not. Liz remembered being bitten by a Rattle Snake and collapsing to the ground. She reasoned that if she was still alive, it must have been with the help of this Shaman, so she took the drink. As she took a sip, she noticed other people in the hut. Village elders and other Shaman types sitting around the thatched-roof hut. She was excited and apprehensive at the same time. Liz knew she was feeling better as the hours passed. If she could learn the secret of this drink that looked like some kind of Red liquid, she could help thousands of people back home in the USA.

Liz quickly discovered that she was feeling more energetic than she had been in years, and was not hungry or depressed either. She had experienced some out-of-control weight gain of late and had little energy. It must be the Red Tea potion she was given. It took a lot of persuasion, but she eventually was able to write down the Shaman’s recipe. Liz continued drinking this pleasant tasting Red Tea concoction and saw that she was losing fat by the ton, and was simply amazed and delighted.

There was no doubt in her mind that she must put this Red Tea Detox into book form for others to share. After all, the key to not only losing weight, but to gaining wellness is to detox the body. Toxins are naturally produced in the human body as a result of oxidation by Free-Radicals. This is besides the toxins absorbed from the world around us. This new Red Tea Detox is not only capable of cleansing the body, but also speeding up the metabolism without that jittery feeling, while suppressing those hunger cravings that are part of all those other diets.

Liz’s book, “The Red Tea Detox”, is jam-packed with information so that anybody can easily go shopping locally and round-up all of the ingredients needed to make their own Red Tea Detox potion. Reader testimonials have been phenomenal. take a look at what Ron A., a 32 year old Computer Programmer from Miami, Florida had to say, “I never felt hungry while drinking this tasty tea. I lost 16 pounds of fat without much effort. I lost all the weight I wanted and I never felt deprived either.”

About The Author: 

Elizabeth Swann Miller, ND, has over 10 years of experience as a practicing Naturopath, specializing in healing through nutrition. She has degrees both in Psychology and Naturopathy. Her goal is to educate as many people as possible about the healing powers of food and how to easily incorporate these changes into daily life.

For complete information, please click here

Liz Swann Miller, Noted Naturopath and Nutritional Author - Announces Release of New Book - “The Red Tea Detox”


Weight loss and body transformation does not come easy and requires a lot of self-control and dedication. Anybody who is health aware should care about their bodies and not just about the way they look but also for the general health of the body and the optimal functioning of it.
In order to achieve this, you need only two things: a clean and healthy diet and exercise.
You don’t need anything fancy or expensive you only need your gym membership and your own motivation to succeed. Exercise along with a healthy diet will give you the results you need only if you stick to it. Along with a clean diet do these 5 important exercises in order to speed up the process of weight loss and toning up your body.


The plank is a simple exercise that affect a lot of muscle types at once and can burn a lot of calories even while you are staying still. That makes the plank a very effective exercise and a must do in the home or the gym.
Start by taking a push-up position on the floor and then bend you elbows at a 90-degree angle. Support your body with the toes too and stay in that position as much as you can while keeping your body straight. Make sure to extend the plank time each time you do it. The ultimate goal is 4 minutes.


This is the most common exercise that also works with many muscle types at once. Support your body on your hands and feet and push up your body with your back in a straight line.


Stand up straight with you back and widen your legs just a little bit. Bend you knees in the squat position at a 90-degree angle and start repeating the movement. This is very useful exercise as it can burn fat much faster and help you build stronger core, legs, back legs and hamstrings.


Support your body with your knees and hands. Stretch one hand and one leg of the opposite side and alternate between them. Keep your body balanced and straight.

Lying Hip Raises:

These raises will work with your glutes and hamstrings. All you need to do is lie on you back and lift your body up with the soles of your feet. Squeeze you glute muscles while you do the repetitions.
4 Week Workout Plan:

1st Workout
1 minute plank
1 minute push-ups
2 minute squats
1 minute bird-dog
1 minute lying hip raises
1 minute plank
1 minute push-ups
2 minute squats
2nd Workout
3 minute plank
3 minute bird-dog
3 minute lying hip raises
1 minute push-ups
All you need to do is alternate between these two groups of exercises every week in this order.
1st Week
Day 1 – 1st workout
Day 2 – 2nd workout
Day 3 – 1st workout
Day 4 – 2nd workout
Day 5 – 1st workout
Day 6 – 2nd workout
Day 7 – Rest
2nd Week
Day 1 – 2nd workout
Day 2 – 1st workout
Day 3 – 2nd workout
Day 4 – 1st workout
Day 5 – 2nd workout
Day 6 – 1st workout
Day 7 – Rest
After you have finished these 2 weeks repeat them once more and that would be the final 4-week weight loss and body transformation period.

Body change with these 5 simple exercises in 4 weeks

New Weight Loss Program Helping Dieters Lose Up to 30 Pounds in Just 28 Days

New Weight Loss Program Helping Dieters Lose Up to 30 Pounds in Just 28 Days

At a time when a majority of mainstream diets are being called “time-consuming, inefficient and just plain ineffective” a new diet plan is drawing attention for producing very fast results.
The new diet, which is called The 4 Week Diet, was developed by health and nutrition coach and personal trainer Brian Flatt.
Flatt says his program forces a dieter’s body to melt away one to two pounds of stubborn body fat every single day for the first seven days. Then the dieter loses another three-quarter to one full pound of fat every day in the three weeks that follow.
“Yes, those results are typical,” Flatt said.
The key to all this rapid weight loss is a diet that focuses on reducing and even eliminating cellular inflammation, which is not a widely known cause of weight gain, and that seeks to control hormones that can keep a person from losing weight no matter how dedicated they are to “eating less and exercising more.”
“The truth is the common dieting advice of ‘eat less and exercise more’ is bad science, and deep down every doctor knows this,” Flatt said. “This advice doesn’t take into account a body’s hormones, which have a major impact on whether you are fat or thin because of how they cause your body to interact with different foods.”
Flatt’s 4 Week Diet does take into consideration hormones, using a specific diet and certain supplements to gain control of the hormones so that the body naturally recruits more body fat to be burned for fuel, maintains lean body mass and increases metabolism.
“Too many people are wasting too much money and too much time on diets that are designed to fail,” said Flatt, the owner of R.E.V. Fitness in Southern California. “I’ve seen it again and again with my clients. That’s why I developed this new approach to weight loss.”
The program takes a four-pronged approach to produce rapid weight loss:
  1. It clears up bad information that is so prevalent in other weight loss programs and gives dieters the real keys to losing weight.
  2. It tells a dieter what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat to lose maximum weight with minimum effort.
  3. It reveals quick and easy exercise routines that pack a real fat-burning punch.
  4. It helps dieters develop the mindset necessary to lose weight and keep it off.
The program has been working so well that some people have been contacting Flatt concerned about the dangers of losing weight so fast.
“I tell them: The fact is, in all of my research over the past decade, I have yet to find any safety data regarding the speed at which weight loss is achieved,” Flatt said. “Instead, most of the studies concerning weight loss deal more with the methods by which weight loss is achieved — rather than the speed at which the weight comes off.”
“The fact is, carrying around extra body fat is one of the most dangerous things you can do,” Flatt said. “As it stands, obesity is the #2 cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Being overweight increases your risk of numerous diseases and negative health conditions, including several types of cancers (breast, colon, etc.), coronary heart disease, type 1 diabetes, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, stroke, hypertension, osteoarthritis and many others. Considering these facts, I believe it makes sense to get rid of excess weight as fast as possible.”


The 4 Week Diet focuses on three main components to help dieters lose unwanted weight: diet, exercise and mindset. Dieters learn what to eat, when to eat and how to eat to lose weight. They also get supplement and exercise tips to speed up their weight loss even more. Finally, they develop the mindset, or willpower, to lose weight and keep it off. The 4 Week Diet was developed by health and nutrition coach and personal trainer Brian Flatt. Brian is the owner of R.E.V. Fitness, a personal training facility based in Southern California.

Dieters Losing 30 Pounds in 4 Weeks on New Breakthrough Diet!

At a time when many believe that you have to choose between “fast weight loss” and “safe weight loss” a new breakthrough diet is allowing people to lose up to 30 pounds in just four short weeks.
With such amazing results, it’s no wonder that the diet has quickly become popular among celebrities who often need to lose weight fast for a movie role or music tour. One such celebrity, Selena Gomez, used the diet to lose 30 pounds in just four weeks.
But diet creator Brian Flatt points out that the diet isn’t just for celebrities.
“This diet has proven effective for thousands of people,” said Flatt, who is also an experienced nutritionist and personal trainer from Southern California. “It doesn’t matter if you are an ‘average Joe’ or a celebrity the diet can work for you – that’s because the diet doesn’t require you to spend hours in the gym or to buy expensive shakes, replacement meals or supplements.”
Called “The 4 Week Diet,” Flatt’s plan focuses on breaking down harmful triglycerides, which become that stubborn body fat that is so incredibly difficult to eliminate.
“Triglycerides can be targeted and broken down into fatty acids that are burned by the body for energy,” Flatt said. “Actually, when we break down triglycerides, it’s kind of like dumping rocket fuel into your vehicle’s gas tank. They provide the body with a great source of energy.”
In addition to attacking triglycerides, The 4 Week Diet also:
  • Corrects bad weight loss information that dieters receive on other plans
  • Provides dieters with a simple, easy-to-follow weight loss plan. Studies have shown that difficult plans that include counting calories or extensive exercise programs simply don’t work because people don’t stay on them.
“When I sat out to create this diet I wanted something that produced fast weight loss because quick results inspire a person to stick with the plan and I also wanted something that was so easy anyone could do it,” Flatt said. “All the incredible success stories that we are receiving is an indication to me that I accomplished my goals.”
Another big difference between The 4 Week Diet and other diets is that it also reduces, and even eliminates, cellular inflammation, which is another major cause of weight gain, and it seeks to control hormones that can keep a person from losing weight no matter how dedicated they are to “eating less and exercising more.”


The 4 Week Diet focuses on three main components to help dieters lose unwanted weight: diet, exercise and mindset. Dieters learn what to eat, when to eat and how to eat to lose weight. They also get supplement and exercise tips to speed up their weight loss even more. Finally, they develop the mindset, or willpower, to lose weight and keep it off. The 4 Week Diet was developed by health and nutrition coach and personal trainer Brian Flatt. Brian is the owner of R.E.V. Fitness, a personal training facility based in Southern California.

Dieters Losing 20 Pounds in 3 Weeks on New Breakthrough Diet

The #1 Reason Most Diets Fall – & What You Can Do to Ensure You Lose Weight & Keep It Off

There’s a simple reason why most diets fail — they do not produce results fast enough.
It’s no fun to eat small portions of food that don’t satisfy our hunger cravings. It’s no fun to go to the gym day after day — and when you are doing all of this and the scale is barely budging, it can be incredibly discouraging.
It can make you want to give up altogether or try a different plan.
Personal trainer and health and nutrition coach Brian Flatt has seen this scenario play out again and again and it has affected the way he approaches weight loss with his clients.
“For a diet to be successful, I truly believe that the diet must produce visible and significant results fast,” Flatt said. “When the dieter sees real results quickly, he or she becomes more engaged. And when I can get the dieter engaged by seeing real results, a ‘snowball effect’ occurs; results get better and better as dieters see themselves getting leaner and leaner.”
To help dieters lose weight fast and avoid falling victim to discouragement, Flatt has created a new diet program that he calls The 4 Week Diet. He is now making this program available online to the general public because of the amazing success his clients have had with it.
“On this program, dieters notice favorable body composition changes in the first couple of days,” Flatt said. “In the very first week alone, dieters are likely to see in the neighborhood of 10 pounds of fat stripped away from their body. Their clothes will be looser, they will feel lighter and they’ll feel 10 times better.”
So why is Flatt’s program able to produce such rapid weight loss?
The 4 Week Diet focuses on providing dieters with only the essential nutrients that their body needs for good health and proper functioning, while eliminating all those nutrients that slow or even stop them from burning fat.
More specifically, the diet program addresses a body’s hormones, and how those hormones affect the body’s ability to burn fat and lose weight. Dieters get a specifically tailored, step-by-step blueprint that tells them what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat for the absolute best weight loss results.
The program also utilizes several supplements that — in combination with the diet — helps users recruit body fat to be burned for fuel, maintain their lean body mass, and increase their metabolism.
All of this is included in a simple, straightforward, step-by-step presentation that doesn’t require a doctorate to follow.
“It’s true that fast results are the key to sustained weight loss, but a successful weight loss program must also be easy to follow,” Flatt said. “Complicated, overly stringent plans drive people away.”
So to recap, according to Flatt, if you really want to lose weight and keep it off, you need a plan that both produces fast results and is easy to follow.
He believes that he has created that program with The 4 Week Diet. To learn more about the program and determine if it could be the solution that allows you to finally lose weight and keep it off, click here

The #1 Reason Most Diets Fall – & What You Can Do to Ensure You Lose Weight & Keep It Off

3 Secrets To Stick To Your Weight Loss Program

Struggling to stick with your diet program? You aren’t alone. Millions of people worldwide fall off diet programs every day.
Often, it’s due to a few key mistakes they’re making along the way. Let’s take a closer look at three powerful secrets for sticking to your diet plan. Put them into action and see the results you’re looking for.
Get A Diet Buddy
One word of advice: don’t go at it alone. Those who get a diet buddy will experience the high’s and low’s together. They stand a much better chance of success in the long run.
If you can’t convince someone to diet with you, at least find someone who will support you and keep you accountable as you need it.
You will hit hard times, and it will really help to have someone by your side.
Use Hunger-Busting Strategies
Hunger is another reason why many people can’t stick with a fat loss diet plan. That’s natural, but avoidable. Either they cut their calories too much, or they lack foods that promote satiety.
Focus your diet around foods that break down and digest slowly. Lean proteins coupled with fibrous carbohydrates are the best choices, followed closely by small doses of dietary fat.
While fat calories can add up quickly, small amounts can work wonders for hunger control.
Set Short Term Goals
Think about what you want to accomplish in four weeks. It can be beneficial to dream about your transformed body in a year’s time, but only in tandem with achievable short term goals. Otherwise you will lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.
Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you won’t lose all the weight in a week. Focus on the here and now. Find a program, such as The 4 Week Diet, that focuses on the coming weeks. Use that time to build good habits, and you will be prepared for the future months.
Want to make the 4 week concept work for you? Check out The 4 Week Diet plan, which teaches you how to build proper habits over the course of two weeks. Equip yourself for a future of weight loss and health maintenance.

3 Secrets To Stick To Your Weight Loss Program

Groundbreaking Weight Loss Program Guarantees 30 Lost Pounds in Just 28 Days!

At a time when the majority of mainstream diets are “time-consuming, inefficient, and just plain ineffective,” a new diet plan is turning heads for producing incredibly fast results.
Developed by health and nutrition coach and personal trainer Brian Flatt, The 4 Week Diet harnesses the body’s natural biology to melt away one to two pounds of stubborn body fat every single day for the first seven days. Then the dieter loses another three-quarter to one full pound of fat every day in the week that follows.
“Yes, those results are typical,” Flatt said. “This diet has proven effective for thousands of people. “It doesn’t matter if you are an ‘average Joe’ or a celebrity, this diet can work for you. It doesn’t require hours in the gym or expensive shakes, replacement meals, and supplements.”
The key to rapid weight loss is a diet that focuses on reducing and eliminating cellular inflammation, which is a poorly-understood, but major contributor to weight gain.
Another critical focus of the diet is hormone control. The interaction between hormones and certain types of calories can prevent weight loss for even the most dedicated of dieters.
“The conventional wisdom of “Eat less, exercise more’ is poor science. It lacks the subtlety necessary to produce results for the large variety of body types out there,” Flatt said. “Too many people are wasting too much money and time on diets that are designed to fail. That’s why I developed this new approach to weight loss.”
The program has been working so well that some people have been contacting Flatt, concerned about the dangers of rapid weight loss.
“The fact is, in a decade of rigorous research, I have found zero safety data warning dieters about losing weight quickly,” Flatt said. “Instead, most studies deal with the methods by which weight loss is achieved — not the speed at which the weight comes off.”
The true danger, it seems, is simply not losing weight at all.
“As it stands, obesity is the #2 cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Being overweight increases your risk of numerous diseases and negative health conditions, including several types of cancers (breast, colon, etc.), coronary heart disease, type 1 diabetes, sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, stroke, hypertension, osteoarthritis and many others. Considering these facts, I believe it makes sense to get rid of excess weight as fast as possible.”

Groundbreaking Weight Loss Program Guarantees 30 Lost Pounds in Just 28 Days!

Seven Unconventional Eating Tips to Help You Lose Weight & Keep It Off!

There are a lot of weight loss articles out there that delve into complex issues like calorie counting and complex carbs versus simple carbs and after a while all the detailed, and often conflicting, information can leave your head spinning.

These articles can make the whole weightloss process seem so difficult and overwhelming that many people just give up and don’t even try to lose weight.

But having excess weight is bad for your health. It can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which in turn increases your chances of suffering a stroke. It can also lead to high blood sugar (diabetes), high cholesterol and heart disease.

Here are seven simple things you can do to start losing weight. They are easy to do. They take no complex thought, no massive amounts of willpower. Anybody can do them.

Then once the weight starts coming off, maybe you will have the motivation to make even bigger changes that can lead to even more weightloss.

Tip 1 – Eat at the table

Most people these days eat their meals from in front of the TV or computer. This is bad because you can go into a trance of sorts while watching the TV or computer and end up eating way more than you would have at the table.

Tip 2 – Eat slowly

It actually takes a while for the stomach to signal your brain that it is full. By eating slower you will consume less “unnecessary” food. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly and really taste your food. Eat too fast and you will strain your stomach and intestines and possibly create uncomfortable indigestion, bloating and cramps.

Tip 3 – Drink less while you eat

Drinking more than 4 ounces of liquid with a meal dilutes stomach acid and digestive enzymes causing you not to digest your food well. Instead drink water 30 minutes before a meal – this will also help you feel fuller so you will eat less.

Tip 4 – Eat while relaxed

If you eat while you are tired, upset or stressed can lead to improper digestion of food which can lead to more fat being stored on your body.

Tip 5 – Eat your heaviest meal earlier

That’s right, don’t save your heaviest meal for dinner, instead eat a heavier lunch and a light meal at dinner time. This will allow you to more easily digest your food in the evening – having digestion finished before going to bed allows for optimum cellular cleansing and rebuilding during sleep.

Tip 6 – Graze instead of gorge

Start eating more smaller meals and less big meals. Eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day helps keep blood sugar levels steady and ensures that you have good energy all day long.

Tip 7 – Start listening to your body

Ask yourself if you are really hungry, or have a glass of water to see if you are thirsty instead of hungry. Many hunger pangs are caused by thirst instead of actual hunger. By listening to your body and eating when you are really hungry instead of when it’s the time that you normally eat can lead to significant weight loss.

Another way to lose weight fast is to focus on your hormones – four hormones in particular. There is a new diet – The 4 Week Diet – that does exactly that.

Seven Unconventional Eating Tips to Help You Lose Weight & Keep It Off!

Avoid This Common Mistake That Causes Many to Go Off Their Diet

Diets aren’t easy. They take a lot of commitment and even those of us with strong willpower often end up cheating.

In this article, we are going to talk about one of the biggest mistakes dieters make while on a diet – a mistake that leads many to cheat on their diet and many others to go off their diet completely.

So what is this big mistake that so many make?

Well, it’s actually something that most probably don’t even think about. It’s a simple mistake but one that can have truly lasting implications.

The mistake is – shopping unwisely at the super market.

To put is simply, if you go to the supermarket without a plan you are putting your weightloss success in true jeopardy.

Here are five simple tips to follow when at the supermarket to help ensure you don’t make bad food decisions that will impact your diet negatively later on:

  1. Never shop when you are hungry.
    If you go shopping with hunger pangs, you are likely to end up with a cart full of cookies and chips and ice cream and other non-diet foods! In addition, when you are hungry, you are more likely to become more easily distracted and more likely to forget some of what you need.

  2. Never shop in a hurry.
    Rushing can make the entire experience stressful and this may cause you to purchase quick and easy items instead of searching a little longer for the healthier item.
  3. Make a list and stick to it.
    This has numerous benefits. You can make the list when you are not hungry and really focuses on your diet. Plus, t
    he more organized you are, the less time you will waste at the market. Be sure to write down everything you need, how much you need and if you need to go to more than one location to get everything.
  4. Stay away from those dangerous center aisles.
    The fresh fruits and vegetables and chicken and other healthy meats are typically on the perimeter of the store. The center aisles are filled with processed foods that you should stay away from.
  5. Always read the label.
    Be sure to watch out for any foods that contain ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, flavorings, trans fats (or hydrogenated oils), sodium nitrite, and artificial substances like aspartame and monosodium glutamate.

Here some additional tips for when you are shopping:

  • When buying fruits and vegetables look ones that are not bruised, shriveled, moldy, or slimy. Don’t buy anything that smells bad.

  • Buy only the fruits and vegetables that you need so you can eat the freshest food possible. The less time out of the Earth or off the vine the more nutrients.

Then once you have your healthy foods at home, here are some tips you can follow to ensure your safety and to ensure that they stay fresh as long as possible:

  • Always wash fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly in water, and then rinse before eating to remove toxins and food-borne illnesses. Do not use detergent or bleach. There are veggie washes that are available in health food stores. You can also soak produce in diluted apple cider vinegar to help remove surface chemicals.
  • Handle fresh fruits and vegetables carefully. Put produce away promptly, and keep it in the crisper or in “Green Bags.” Throw away cut produce that has been out of the refrigerator for four hours or more.

If you are looking for an effective way to lose up to 32 pounds in just one month, check out the new 4 Week Diet System.

This new approach to weight loss focuses on four specific hormones that have a direct impact on weight gain and weight loss. 

Avoid This Common Mistake That Causes Many to Go Off Their Diet